
 As I sit here, holding this pen, my hands remain still, sheathing my flawed inner workings plagued by utter chaos and emptiness. I will forever cherish these moments we spent together even as they pull me further apart from myself. As the sun falls further and further sweeping the skies with its awestruck crimson hue, the colors dancing beyond the dim horizon, all I wish for is to be in your arms. Our love was not given up on, the lord knows we tried. It blazed all else with its brightness, and slowly faded away, till it was no more. The sun that has risen is the sun that must set. Will it rise again? Perhaps, but we may never know. What I do know is that as the evening wastes away and the day dims further, a million stars gleam across the sky, and all I hope for is to see them through your eyes. There's no light without dark, no joy without pain. To enjoy the sunshine, you must go through the rain.
